Teckwik Terms and Conditions



      1. Enrollment and Registration:

    Students must complete the enrollment and registration process to participate in our training programs.
    TeckWik Limited reserves the right to refuse enrollment to any student for any reason.


        1. Payment:

      Training fees must be paid in full or part before the start of the training program.
      Payment methods accepted include: (1) Credit/Debit Cards. (2) Online Payment
      All fees are non-refundable except as specified in our refund policy.


          1. Attendance:

        Students are expected to attend all training sessions, workshops, and assessments as outlined in the program schedule.
        If a student misses a session, TeckWik Limited  is not responsible for providing makeup sessions or refunds.


            1. Conduct and Behavior:

          Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times.
          Disruptive behaviour or violations of TeckWik Limited code of conduct may result in cancelation of the program without a refund.


              1. Intellectual Property:

            All course materials, including but not limited to textbooks, lectures, presentations, and assessments, are the intellectual property of TeckWik Limited and may not be reproduced or distributed without permission.


                1. Privacy and Data Usage:

              TeckWik Limited may collect and store student information for administrative and educational purposes. By enrolling in our programs, students consent to the collection and use of their data as outlined in our privacy policy.


                  1. Changes to Programs:

                TeckWik Limited reserves the right to make changes to program schedules, content, and instructors as necessary. Students will be notified of any significant changes in advance.


                    1. Certification and Graduation:

                  Students who successfully complete the program requirements will receive a certificate of completion from TeckWik Limited .
                  TeckWik Limited does not guarantee job placement or employment opportunities upon training completion


                      1. Cancellation and Refund Policy:

                    Refer to our refund policy for details on cancellation and refund procedures.


                        1. Termination of Enrollment:

                      TeckWik Limited reserves the right to terminate a student’s enrollment for reasons including, but not limited to, violations of the code of conduct, or non-payment of tuition fees.


                          1. Liability:

                        TeckWik Limited is not liable for any loss, damage, or injury incurred by students during the course of the program.
                        Students are encouraged to obtain their own insurance coverage as needed.


                            1. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

                          These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland., and any disputes will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.


                              1. Acceptance of Terms:

                            By enrolling in our training programs, students acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined herein.